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Fàilte do làrach-lìn Comunn Uibhist agus Bharraigh Ghlaschu

Welcome to the Glasgow Uist and Barra Association Website

The following pages give an overview, history and regular events held by the above association linked to the

Outer Hebridean Islands of Scotland.


Tha na duilleagan a leanas a’ toirt dhuibh thar-shealladh air agus eachdraidh a’ chomainn gu h-àrd aig a bheil dàimh ri Eileanan Siar na h-Alba, a thuilleadh air fiosrachadh mu na tachartasan cunbhalach a bhios iad a’ cur air adhart.

North Uist
Poll nan Crann

© 2025 Glasgow Uist and Barra Association.

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